Game strategy in roulette

Already it is a lot of years people try to find advantageous strategy for a roulette. However, if to trust Einstein, it one: to steal counters from a table when the croupier distracts. Whether it is necessary to trust the great scientist?

Sometimes there is an impression that every day think out new (or improve old) strategy. Some people with persistence test each strategy (original work). However, any casino was ruined yet by roulette players book of ra game.

Many strategy are not calculated on the American roulette (it reduces your chances of a prize in 2 times).

If you have a desire to test these systems – recommends Casino Club (Bossmedia) – known for the honesty (the given casino has a high-grade Russian version)! If you wish to play roulette as much as possible approached to a reality I recommend taking advantage, for example, of one of a casino of Playtech. Council to play casino video perfectly approaches also to those who do not trust in honesty of usual on-line casinos. In casino video translation from a real roulette is conducted, simultaneously we play weight of players, and the deceit is almost excluded.

More low some the simple strategy based on a variation of size of rates at game on simple chances (red/black, even/odd, senior/younger).


It is one of the oldest strategies of game in  roulette. On this site you sometimes met this word, and here now learn that it means!

At rate loss, following becomes in two times more the previous. The progression 1, 2, 4, 8 is used… Rates on the given progression become before reception of positive balance, after a prize the rate comes back to the initial.

The given system insistently is not recommended to the use, especially in casino online. Why? Read article about Martingale.

The Pyramid.

At rate loss, the rate on unit big, than previous becomes. At a rate prize, the rate decreases for unit. Rates on the given progression become before reception of positive balance.


The progression 1-2-3-5-8-13-21 is used… (Each following number in a progression equals to the sum of the previous two numbers). The prize of one rate compensates two previous losses. At loss of the rate transition to the following rate on a progression. At a prize of the rate transition to back on a progression through one rate (at a prize of the rate 21 – the following rate 8, at a prize of the rate 13 – the following rate 5). Rates on the given progression become before reception of positive balance.

These strategies, especially notorious Martingale have till now followers though for a long time it is proved that they only on short intervals can give some prize. Conditionally speaking, you can play on Martingale 20 days, winning on 10 units, but for 21 day you will lose at once 300 units! Progressive strategy are especially dangerous in casino online, after all a casino it is necessary to swindle slightly only, once on some hundreds, and you already without money!